Chancellor: Huang Xiaomei
Female, born in Xiangyang City of Hubei Province in October, 1963; Master’s Degree, Research Fellow; graduated from Department of Chinese Language and Literature of CCNU in 1985, and worked in the Department of Organization of CCNU Party Committee, Deputy Director of MOE Training Center for Central & South China Education Management and Education Administration Office in College of Management successively; served as Deputy Director of Party Committee Office in 1996, Director of Department of Organization of CCNU Party Committee in 2003, Executive Vice President of CCNU Party School in 2004, Associate Vice President, Director of Department of Organization of CCNU Party Committee in 2009; Vice President of CCNU from November, 2009 to January 2014, Vice Chairman of University Council since 2014, and Chancellor(or Chairman of University Council) since 2017.
President: Yang Zongkai
Male, born in Henan Province in October, 1963; professor and doctoral supervisor; graduated from Department of Electronics and Information Engineering in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) with a Bachelor’s Degree in 1985 and his Master’s degree in 1988; graduated with a PhD from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1991, specializing in communications and electronic systems; undertook postdoctoral research in Korea University from July, 1994 to July,1995; co-worked on research projects with America, Australia, etc. as senior visiting scholar, and worked in HUST from September, 1993 to January, 2004 as deputy director of the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering in ; Vice President (Scientific Research and Graduate Studies) of CCNU from February 2004 to September 2011; President of CCNU since 2011.
Vice Chairman of University Council: Qin Hong
Male, born in Changyang County of Hubei Province in August, 1966; professor, doctor and doctoral supervisor; graduated from the Department of Mathematics with a Bachelor’s Degree in 1988 and a Master’s Degree in 1991; obtained his Ph. D degree from Hong Kong Baptist University from December, 1999 to December, 2002; visiting scholar in UC Berkley from October to December 2002; worked as post-doctoral fellow in George Washington University from October, 2003 to March, 2004; from July 1991 to December 1999, worked in the Office of Scientific Research as Deputy Director; Dean of the Graduate School from April 2004 to January 2010; Director of the Department of Organization of CCNU Party Committee and the Executive Vice President of CCNU Communist Party School from January 2010 to June 2013; Director of the Department of Organization of CCNU Party Committee from June 2013 to January 2014; Vice Chairman of University Council of CCNU since 2014.
Vice Chairman of University Council: Luo Jun
Male, born in Yicheng of Hubei Province in October, 1969; doctor’s degree in Law, research fellow; graduated from the Department of Digitalized Education of CCNU with a bachelor’s degree in 1991 and worked as instructor in CCNU after that; another bachelor’s degree in political science; Vice-Chairman of CCNU Youth Union from December 1998; studied from his Master’s Degree from 2000 to 2003; Chairman of CCNU Youth Union from March 2004 to November 2006 and Party Secretary of the School of Foreign Languages since 2006; obtained his Ph. D degree in law in 2010 and studied in the University of Reading as an visiting scholar; Director of University Office beginning in May 2012; elected as a member of Standing Committee of University Council since January 2014 and Director of Party Department of Organization since February, 2014.
Vice President: Cai Hongsheng
Male, born in Wuhan City of Hubei Province in January, 1959; doctor’s degree in Law, research fellow, doctoral supervisor; Vice President of Central China Normal University; mainly engaged in researches of college student affairs management and campus culture; took part in over 10 national and provincial research projects; published over 50 papers and more than 10 books such as A Comparative Study on Sino-US University Campus Culture; a number of research reports were adopted by the Ministry of Education and the Education Department of Hubei Provincial Government.
Vice President: Wang Enke
Male, born in Gong’an county of Hubei Province in 1963; professor, Ph. D and doctoral supervisor; obtained his master’s and doctor’s degree from the Institute of Particle Physics of CCNU in 1990; promoted as professor in 1992 and a doctoral supervisor in 1999; served as Dean of the School of Physical Science and Technology from 2003 to 2010; Associate Vice President of CCNU and Dean of Graduate School from 2010 to 2012; serves as Vice President of CCNU and Dean of Graduate School since 2012.
Vice President: Peng Nansheng
Male, born in Huangpi county of Hubei Province in October 1963; professor, Ph. D degree and doctoral supervisor; graduated from the School of History and Culture with a Bachelor’s degree in 1985 and worked as a teacher since then while studying for his Master’s degree and Doctoral degree; from September 1998 to November 2000, worked as a post-doctoral fellow at Nanjing University; visiting scholar in Hong Kong Baptist University sponsored by United Board Foundation from September 2001 to June 2002; Dean of the School of History and Culture from May 2008 to May 2012 and Director of University Research Office since then; Vice President of CCNU since January, 2014.
Vice President: Xia Lixin
Male, born in Wuhan City of Hubei Province in August, 1968; professor, Ph. D in Management, doctoral supervisor; graduated from Central China Normal University with a Bachelor’s Degree in 1991 and his Master’s degree of in 1997; graduated with a Ph. D from Wuhan University in 2002; worked as Dean of School Of Information Management since November 2012; elected as a member of Standing Committee of University Council and Vice President of Central China Normal University since June 2017.
Associate Vice President: Lin Gengmao
Male, born in Xinzhou of Hubei Province in February, 1970; professor, Ph. D, and research fellow; graduated from the Department of Political Science with a bachelor’s degree in 1991; worked as an instructor in the Department of Russian Language after that; Vice-Chairman of CCNU Youth Union from June, 1997 and Chairman of CCNU Youth Union since 2002; Director of University Office since 2004 and Associate Vice President since 2010.