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20170512 Living on Campus

Living on Campus

拟播时间/Expected Broadcasting Time2017-05-12

写稿/Written:文馨 Holiday Wen

一审/Revised:黄凯 Victor Huang




音乐/Music: All The Others—The Coronas


Victor: Holiday, what are you doing here?

Holiday: Hi, Victor. I’m watching the rainbow!

Victor: Rainbow? Where?

Holiday: You see. Wait until the water being pumped into the air and you see through the drops of water. Then, here is the rainbow!

Victor: I thought the rainbow only appeared after the rain.

Holiday: Hhh… you may have a try. Sh… wait… one… two… three… tah-da!

Victor: Wow, that’s really the rainbow.

Holiday: It is said that when you see the rainbow, you make a wish and perhaps the wish will come true.

Victor: Really?

Holiday: Sure! My mom told me when I was a kid.

Victor: Come on. We are grown-ups now.

Holiday: But I think age has little to do with beliefs. Even though I am too old to chew something, I still believe in good lucks.

Victor: Well, wonderful. Make a wish now!

Holiday: And one more thing. Throw a coin into the fountain and make a wish. The dream…

Victor: The dream will come true, right?

Holiday: Yeah, how do you know that? Your mom told you in the childhood?

Victor: Oh, Holiday. Those are only the tales your mom told you when you were young. If the dream could come true so easily, there seemed to be no need to work hard!

Holiday: Umm… You got the point. Ok, we’d better be practical.

Victor: Yeah, so let’s go to the library to realize our dreams!

Holiday: Ok. Wait! Here’s really a coin in the fountain!

Victor: Hhhhh…. There are really some firm believers in our campus.

Holiday: So, good luck to them then!


Victor: Did your mom told you some ridiculous things but you still firmly believe? Come and share with us on our Wechat E小记@CCNU. Victor and Holiday are waiting for you. That’s the program Living on Campus. Peace!

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